Programming / Coding - The Beginning

😃 Hi, What's up dear let's see and learn something...

"Programming is simply the way of communication or medium by which you implement some logic and algorithm to instruct your computer or electronic device to perform some task".

- Importance of Programming :

If you want to learn programming then sometimes you may think -

  • Why should programming?
  • Why programming Language is created?
As humans we always try to make our task easier, which is possible with the help of Technology i.e computer, smart devices, smart phones and these things are controlled by humans to achieve some task.
Very earliest computers were actually programmed by changing ones and zeroes manually alternating the circuit and wiring. which is typically a taught task .

Ah! It was not easy to create so many program for specific tasks or applications only, and they were gigantic in size so it was quite limited.

That's why the creation of programming language was a revolutionary step that took the field of IT on another level.

- Which Programming Language 👀:

The main thing is interest.
  • Are you willing to build logic in programming ?
  • Did you like problem solving and applying mathematics ?
So if you like to write programs, solving problems, applying mathematics and  logics then you should find your interest in any programming languages i.e 
JAVA, Pyhton, C++, C, GO, etc. you just have to do friendship with any programming language and you find something magical is happening when you start with it.

- What is Programming Language ? 

Programming language is a set of commands, instructions, and other syntax use to create a software program.

So when you write some article or essay what's your first step ? 
It is to choose a language and start writing.
Here language provides you some pre-defined syntax and libraries which generate understanding between you and your device.

* Note : If you find confusion in choosing programming language then simple choose any one -
  • C - Language (The basic language also known as mother of all languags)
  • C++
  • Java
  • Python

- How Computer understand programming :

When we write some code the binary electrical representation of that program get reduced into machine language that hardware can understand and work within your algorithm.

Note: As you know computer is like a fool who don't know anything it is a box which contains some connected electronic parts. So to instruct these parts we need a medium between user and computer which is provided by Operating System
i.e a software which is developed in C, C++, C#, Assembly language (Programming languages).

-Start Making Logic :

Make your mind logical strong by practicing and planning this is  the 1st step which helps you to step in the programming world. 
As electronic devices understand only binary code i.e based on binary number system in which there are only two possible states, On and Off, usually symbolize by 0 and 1. COOL!

Uses and Paths :

Programming open gates of innovations and development where you grow in a positive environment in your interest such as : 
Web Developement, Android Development, Game Development, Smart Home Applications, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, IoT, Cloud Computing.

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Wow! this sounds Cool, Have a Good Day.
Keep Learning, Keep Practicing - Be Logical.


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